As mentioned before, Id love to see an update that includes some sort of organization option for all of the filters - better yet - a way to separate the un-uploaded filters Ive created from those of others filters Ive downloaded. Once or twice, Ive uploaded filters by accident that were either already uploaded, or not mine! Its also frustrating to complete a filter and have it rejected due to its size. I wish each step had its size somehow added beside it, in order to know what is taking up the largest space...
The learning curve is as large or as small as you want it to be (if you want to create your own filters, its quite large (3 years now and Im still learning), but its easy to simply download filters from other users)!
Truly a unique app - probably the most unique camera app in the App Store by a long shot.
Prior review(s):
Still hoping for an update!
I still stand by my review, (see below) but...
1. I hope the dev. Has some ideas in motion to creat a less cumbersome interface, (the buttons are too small and you cant organize your filters in any fashion!
2. The most annoying issue of late is a bug that disallows the user to switch the camera view (self portrait mode), as it immediately crashes the entire app when you try! This is consistent with all three devices Ive attempted to use this function with!!!
I hope this app is maintained and updated regularly, it would be such a waste for the developers to simply put it on a back burner... !